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Pav Bhaji & Financial Planning

We all know by our experiences that if you want to do something, anything which is out of the area of your expertise, you should seek advice & suggestion from that person who has knowledge of that particular subject, isn't it?

We don't consider one person to be an expert in all things. If you want to understand some academic concept you would prefer to ask help from your friend who is good in that subject over a friend who isn't.

If you want to get physically fit you will rather seek advice from someone who has expertise in fitness training rather than choosing a person who just talks about it!

So what would you do if you have to plan your finances? What kind of person you would prefer to seek help from? Well let me answer to this question thoroughly but before that let me put you in some trouble (hypothetical of course).

So the situation is today your family members gave you a responsibility, to prepare a meal for them. You are asked to cook Pav Bhaji for a meal. But the problem is you don't know anything at all about making an amazing Pav Bhaji, do you?

(In case you know how to cook Pav Bhaji, think of something you have no idea about.)

So now you have two choices:-

You either take help from someone who knows how to cook it, someone who has expertise in that area, who knows what different ingredients you will require & most importantly how much of them.

Or you can ask a person who has no idea of cooking whatsoever, the only thing that person can cook is Maggi (that too without vegetables, lol)

So what will you do? From which person you will seek help?

Yes. Yes.

Obviously! the choice will be the one who is EXPERT!

Well well well!

The same thing applies to finances. When it comes to money we often don't discuss it with someone or we just rely on some friend or relative of ours who probably knows a thing or two about it.

And if you are seeking help from your mutual fund agent, insurance agent or your stockbroker then let me tell you that you are doing even worse. Allow me to explain how.

So back to Pav Bhaji, you had two choices when you were asked to make Pav Bhaji and you know what you did? You chose none of these two options, you went straight to the grocery shopping and you told a shopkeeper to provide you all the ingredients you will be needing to prepare the best Pav Bhaji.

What shopkeeper will do??

He will tell you to purchase groceries that you MIGHT REQUIRE, and that too without knowing the appropriate quantity.

He will suggest to you the ingredients that he thinks might are the best and that's all you need!

He doesn't know a thing about the preparation of Pav Bhaji and above all you are just a customer to that shopkeeper, they earn from you!

There are chances that he will end up selling you those things that you don't need at all or maybe he'll sell you those stuff from which he can earn the maximum profit!

And you are of course not to be blamed, how would you know after all!

Now, what could have happened if you were fully guided by the expert?

You know it, don't you?

You would be having no worries or any kind of stress about cooking Pav Bhaji, that's one thing which will make the whole process smooth like butter.

Most importantly, you will know all the right ingredients which you need and that too IN RIGHT PROPORTION.

And of course, customization! Which is just a bonus.


There is end number of benefits of having a professional person doing a job for you. The trial & error method is good while cooking Pav Bhaji but is it a wise decision to make when it comes to money?

Because the result would be borne not just by you but your entire family!

Financial Planning is Just Like Pav Bhaji.
It's a blend of various ingredients like Risk Management, Insurance Planning, Investment Planning, Tax Planning, Estate Planning, Retirement Planning and much more. An adviser will guide you with the constantly changing circumstances in the finance world. It's a constant thing.

So that is it from my side.

I hope you learned a thing or two about Pav Bhaji & Financial Planning, and if you liked our content do share it in your circle.

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And yes we are open for Pav Bhaji treats as well :p


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